Hair Transplantation – What Happens When You Have Hair Transplantation?

Hair transplantation is surgery to move healthy hair follicles from one part of your head (the donor site) to areas where you have little or no hair. It can improve the look of baldness and help you to grow new hair that is natural in appearance. It is important to think carefully about your goals and expectations for this treatment before you have it. It is possible that your hair may not grow as expected, and it can take up to nine months for your new hair to start growing properly. You should speak with the surgeon who has carried out your procedure to discuss this. If you are not happy with the results, or you have concerns about the doctor who treated you, contact the Care Quality Commission or the GMC.무모증모발이식

Before your surgery you will be given a general anaesthetic, which will make the whole of your scalp numb. Then the surgeon will cut a strip of skin and hair from the back of your scalp, called the donor area. This will be either a narrow band or single hairs with their roots attached, depending on the type of hair restoration you have chosen. If you are having a follicular unit transplantation, the surgeon will then remove the hair from this strip and divide it into individual follicles. These are then moved to the treatment area of your scalp and stitched into place.

The surgeon will then prepare the grafts, and they may need to do this with the help of other members of the team. Depending on the number of grafts being planted, the surgeon will create holes or slits in your scalp using a scalpel or needle. They will then transplant the grafts to the area that needs them, using small forceps or needles.

After the grafts are planted, your surgeon will put on a dressing. This will keep the grafts clean and support them while they heal. You will need to change the dressing daily. The dressing will also protect the grafts from any infection.

You will have a small scar at the transplant site. The scar will fade in a few months and will be hidden by your own growing hair. You may have some inflammation or infection in the grafted area, which will probably be treated with antibiotics. You may also experience shock loss, which is a temporary fall in hair around the time the grafts are being established.

The amount of hair that grows after a transplant depends on how thick and dense your existing hair is, and the colour and texture of your hair. Coarse grey or light coloured hair usually gives better results than fine, dark coloured hair. It can sometimes take up to two years for the grafts to achieve satisfactory fullness. It is important to have realistic expectations and be aware that more than one session of hair transplantation may be required. Your surgeon will advise you of this during your initial consultation.모우다의원