Sinusitis – What is Sinusitis and How Can it Affect Your Quality of Life?

If you have sinusitis, your symptoms may include a runny nose with thick, yellow or green mucus. You might feel pressure or pain around your nose and eyes, especially when you move your head or lean forward. You might have bad breath or a headache. Sinusitis can affect your quality of life. A study found that people who have chronic sinusitis have more difficulty concentrating at work and school than those without the condition. Some even have trouble functioning at home.후비루치료

A doctor diagnoses sinusitis based on your symptoms and health history. They also perform a physical exam, looking inside your nose and throat. They might shine a light into your sinuses or use an endoscope, which is a small handheld device with a camera attached to it. They might also take a sample of your nasal discharge or a sinus cavity with a thin swab to test it for bacteria. They might also use an imaging test, such as a sinus computed tomography (CT) scan, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), or X-rays.

Most cases of sinusitis are caused by a virus or allergies. Some people with a weak immune system may get a sinus infection more easily.

Your doctor will prescribe medication, usually antibiotics, if they think you have an infection. Your treatment plan might also include home care techniques. These might help you clear up your sinuses faster and stop them from getting infected again.

You can try some of these at home:

Try moisturizing your sinuses. Put a warm compress on your face or breathe in a steamy shower to help ease the pain and make it easier to blow your nose.

Take OTC medications to reduce inflammation and pain. Your doctor might prescribe decongestants or antihistamines. If you have a chronic sinus infection, your doctor might recommend you take oral steroids or immunotherapy to help prevent the condition from coming back.

Some people with recurring sinus infections can benefit from surgery to clean out their blocked sinuses and correct any structural issues. A sinus surgery called an endoscopic sinus procedure involves inserting a thin tube with a camera at the tip into the nose and up into your sinuses. This helps your doctor see the blockage and remove any buildup of tissue. This procedure can be done under local anesthesia. Other procedures involve removing the sinuses and nasal passageways altogether, which can be performed under general anesthesia.라경찬한의원