Wrist pain can be caused by a variety of issues.
It can be a simple sprain or a more severe problem that requires surgery. If you think you may have wrist pain, you should consult a physician as soon as possible. The doctor will perform a physical exam to diagnose your condition. He or she will also order certain tests to determine the cause of your discomfort. 손목통증병원
Sprains occur when a ligament in the wrist is stretched beyond its normal limits. Symptoms include swelling and bruising. A sprain will usually heal on its own within 8 to 12 weeks. However, a sprain that is more severe will require surgery to repair the ligament.
Other causes of wrist pain include arthritis and tendonitis. Arthritis is a degenerative joint disease that affects millions of people. Symptoms include swelling and stiffness when moving the fingers. Osteoarthritis is a type of arthritis that affects older adults. This disease is caused by the breakdown of cartilage in the joints.
Inflammatory arthritis is another condition that can cause wrist pain.
It is caused by the body’s own immune system attacking its joints. Oftentimes, it occurs in people who have been exposed to excessive amounts of uric acid. Uric acid is a chemical produced by the body when it breaks down purines. An excess of uric acid in the body can lead to tiny crystals forming in the joints.
Repetitive motion can also lead to wrist pain. This can be caused by driving, working on a computer, or other activities. When the pain occurs, you should limit your activities. Occupational or physical therapy can help you stretch the muscles in your hand and learn safe exercise techniques.
Wrist pain can be caused by inflammatory arthritis, a sprain, or carpal tunnel syndrome. It can be difficult to diagnose wrist pain. Your doctor may suggest imaging studies such as X-rays and blood tests to help determine the exact cause. These tests can show whether you have a fracture, a tear, or a sprain.
You can purchase a wrist splint at many drug stores. You can also get steroid injections or other treatment. Taking over-the-counter pain medicines can also relieve the symptoms of wrist pain. But, these medications should not be used for more than two days. They should be taken according to the directions on the package.
Injuries to the wrist can happen during a sudden traumatic event, such as falling on your hand while playing football. Overexertion, such as from lifting too much weight at the gym, can also damage the wrist.
If the pain does not go away, you may need to rest the wrist.
To reduce inflammation, you can apply an ice pack to the area. Apply it at least once per hour for the first few hours. After the first day, you should repeat the process every three to four hours.
Whether your wrist pain is caused by a sprain, tendonitis, or another injury, it is important to find the best way to treat it. A wrist brace, physical or occupational therapy, and over-the-counter pain medicines can help you return to daily activities. 두팔로정형외과